제목 뉴노멀 시대에 대응하는 디지털 생활물류 공동 플랫폼 활용 제안
Title Proposal to utilize a joint platform for digital life logistics in response to the new normal era
저자 임승찬 (한국해양대학교 물류·환경·도시인프라공학부 물류시스템공학전공)
박진희* (한국해양대학교 물류·환경·도시인프라공학부 물류시스템공학전공)
Author Seungchan Lim(Engineering of Logistics Department, Korea Maritime and Ocean University)
Jinhee Park(Engineering of Logistics Department, Korea Maritime and Ocean University)
Bibliography Journal of Logistics Science & Technology, 3(1),44~67, 2022,
Key Words New Normal era, Joint logistics, life logistics, Platform, Case analysis
Abstract The advent of the COVID-19 crisis brought dramatic changes in our cities. As the contactless society becomes commonplace in the New Normal era, further expansion of the e-commerce business is highly predicted. Despite the high demand in the e-commerce market, logistic companies have been unable to offer flexible last-mile services due to excessive competition and the domination of the last-mile market by some of the major companies. This study aims to propose a joint digital life logistics platform system in response to the new normal era to alleviate excessive competition and improve inefficient last-mile services of blue-chip companies by studying the feasibility for joint life logistics through case analysis. An operation plan for the digital urban life logistics joint platformwas suggested to improve the quality of last-mile services and seek solutions to the joint logistics by balancing competition and collaboration among logistics service providers.
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